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Custom Fit Orthotics

What are orthotics? 

Orthotics are a custom fit molding designed to fit into your shoe so as to aid your walking mechanics and put your foot into a perfect position. Having proper foot mechanics removes unnecessary stress on your spine, hips, knees and feet. These moldings are casted here in the office in a non-weight bearing position. Your foot naturally falls into a perfect mechanical position when no weight is put on it.

Orthotics come in many styles including custom fit moldings that fit into your present shoes as well as custom fit sandals, running shoes and casual shoes. The type of orthotic or custom shoe you require will depend on your specific preferences and lifestyle. If you are not sure which style best suits your need please ask the doctor on your next visit.

Why do I need orthotics? 

After examining your spine and feet Dr. Thomson has determined that orthotics are necessary to aid in your overall recovery. The primary reasons for orthotics are to help remove stress on the spine, hips, knees and feet. Some of the obvious reasons are fallen arches, foot pain, knee pain, hip pain, back pain or your type of employment requires orthotics for you, please ask him on your next visit.

Do I have insurance for orthotics? 

Most insurance companies do have coverage for orthotics.

When you check your policy or talk to your insurance company, make sure you ask the following questions:

  • How much does my insurance company cover per pair of orthotics? (Some companies cover a certain percentage.)
  • How many pairs of orthotics am I covered for? (Sometimes you need different styles to fit different types of shoe that you wear.)
  • Do I have coverage for custom fit shoes or sandals?
  • Do you require a prescription from my medical doctor or will a prescription from my doctor of chiropractic do?
  • Do you need specific information about the orthotics or custom shoes from the doctor?

Asking the right question from your insurance provider will insure you prompt reimbursement of the cost of your orthotics.